Sunday, July 29, 2007

what a long strange trip its been

car at Whitney Museum

This picture makes me feel old and young at the same time.

I hate to be like an old person and say I remember it like yesterday....but if anything brings on the crushing weight of time I'm glad it's this cute little psychedelic car. It doesn't really remind me of the sixties (that was slightly before my time) but it reminds me of being young. If I could describe to anyone my youth this is the picture I'd paint - even though the real car was a chevrolet. It's a picture of the future, that it would end up somewhere else, and the trip would be exhilarating and worth making.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Notes from the Underground

Everyone who rides the New York City subway for the first time must think about the horror of falling off the platform onto the tracks. The distance is probably less than five feet but the result would be the same as falling off a mountain cliff.

1/9 subway stop on 79th St.
But after a while you don't think about it anymore, maybe once or twice when a subway pusher comes along or someone actually falls in. And rather you wish that you could ignore the sour smell of urine roasting on concrete and cramming into overcrowded cars between other people's sweaty armpits.

This is the forty minutes of my everyday that I'll probably never remember